Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Nursery update and some changes in the basement

Hi, it's a home post. Did you miss me??

I know... It's been a ridiculously long time since I did a home post on here! Granted, the last one was kind of a doozie. If I were thinking straight, I probably could've stretched that out in to at least three posts, but oh well.

Anyway, as you guys know, I've been a bit preoccupied lately with all things baby on the brain.  I just haven't really done many new things to the house! Of course, we've cleaned out the nursery (LOVE being able to call it that now, by the way) and a few things have been added (gifts, random purchases, etc), but nothing is in place yet. Think of it as more of a "baby stuff storage" room as of right now. Of course we've got some big plans!
What's holding me back from really starting to begin to put things in place are the walls. You may remember in the whole post about us tearing out the built-in bunk bed in there, the walls were a bit sketchy afterwards. Think broken off bolts and uneven areas that need to be heavily spackled. Oh and the whole thing (ceiling included) needs a fresh coat of paint.

You guys know I love to paint. I've almost painted every room in this whole house (and our last one). I've gotten really good at it and can do it fairly quickly.  It's therapeutic to me. But being pregnant, it hasn't really been something I've been comfortable doing, just because of the fumes. It's just something unnecessary that I don't have to do now. I know there are "safe" formulas out there, but Brad is really insisting that he do it. So he's promised me that sometime in August he's going to get it all done.  I'm excited about starting to actually get things going in there! Of course, I'll share all the updates with you all here and on my pregnancy vlogs on my YouTube channel as it all comes together.

So I've really missed doing these home posts. When I started thinking about what the heck I could even post on, I realized that we've actually made a pretty big change in the basement. Is it super pretty or creative change? Not really. But it's probably one of the most functional changes we've made here.

Remember the big empty room in the basement (that stayed empty for a year)?

Well, almost empty. ;)

It's a massive room. With no windows. So it was kind of difficult to figure out what to do with it. We already have a media room down there, a living room-ish area, and a bar/table area. So we were originally thinking maybe a game room? We thought of getting a pool table. Because that's what typically ends up in a basement. But the basement is really Brad's domain. His games are more of the XBox/Playstation variety. Again, media room...he's got that already covered. Plus, there's still room in another room down there for a game table of some kind if we ever wanted it. So we just couldn't make a decision on anything because we didn't want to make a mistake in the biggest room down there and possibly turn it into a huge waste of space that we never used.  We really wanted it to be functional.

Since we moved in, Brad had been using our big unfinished storage room (in the photo above, the little door on the right wall next to that white air return leads right into it) as his makeshift "gym". I never went in there because, well, bugs.  Seriously where do all those tiny hair-like spiders come from in basements? Where do they come from????

So we had sort of a "well duh" moment and decided to make it into a full-on home gym about 4 or 5 months ago. It's something useful, good for us, and it'll actually save us money in gym memberships over time. Brad seriously uses it every single day. I'm not on such a strict schedule, and I don't use his big crazy weights, but I love my elliptical (and my lil row of tiny weights on the bottom of the rack).

It's nowhere near being finished, but it's functional for now!

This is definitely more of the "starting point" for this room. We need to get some mirrors on the walls professionally installed and figure out a different flooring solution because the current situation isn't cutting it. We knew we needed some sort of flooring for the equipment to protect the floors.  So we majorly cheaped out with these puzzle piece gym mats that I would definitely never recommend to anyone... haha. For several reasons. First off, it looks really uneven. Second, each pack you buy are totally different colors and never fit together properly. They're also not as heavy-duty as we'd like (they're starting to dent and tear in places). So while these work for now, we're definitely going to get something better down the line. The little blue thing is my yoga mat.

Here's a shot of the whole room...

That photo is totally deceiving and makes the room look really small. Check out how much space we have below for even more equipment! It's a really long room.

Pay no attention to the chair and mirror. That has become a little storage corner. I think I'm going to move the chair to another room down there. I really like it, but I've never found the perfect spot for it.  The mirror needs to finally go up somewhere too.

I want to get a little shelf for our shoes that we leave down there to go in the spot where the chair is maybe? We don't keep towels in there because there is a full bathroom around the corner that really comes in handy close by.

So like I said, the room is far from finished and not especially attractive at the moment. Brad has a list of things he wants for the room, but here are some of the things we eventually want to address...

  • new, more sturdy weight bench
  • some sort of leg machine and some other kind of machine...haha (I'm not as down with the gym equipment lingo as Brad is)
  • partially mirror the walls
  • replace the gym flooring mats with something more solid and heavy-duty
  • maybe add some french doors to the opening to the room (beside the elliptical) to add some separation from the living/rec area

So basically, nothing super creative home-wise has been going on around here lately.  But we feel like we really added a ton of function!  

Right now, while that room is definitely a work in progress (like many spaces around here), I've got some plans for our bedroom, lots more to do in the basement, my office, and some furniture switch-a-roos. Plus, lots of long-term plans for the kitchen. There's still so much to do around here and share! Oh and the nursery! Can't forget that! ;) I'll keep you posted!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Tarte Amazonian Clay Airbrush Foundation Review & Tutorial

Happy Monday, Loves!
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend!

I have been really in to trying loose mineral foundations lately. Since Tarte is one of my favorite makeup brands (I'm IN LOVE with the Amazonian Clay Full Coverage liquid), I thought the Amazonian Clay Airbrush Foundation would work great with my skin too.

Well, it does... But it's far more time-consuming and a little harder to achieve a full-coverage look when you're dealing with breakouts and uneven skin tone, as I have been lately coming out of my first trimester of pregnancy (hello hormones).
But there are definitely pros as well. It works beautifully on oily/combination skin and the finish is great!  Oh and the packaging is pretty awesome.

Ok, ok, I know that verdict is a little vague for me... We all know I love a detailed review. So I created a full, in-depth review video below as well as a complete tutorial demo-ing this foundation in an everyday foundation routine. The application method and tools you use can completely make or break this foundation, so a video is the only way to go. I hope you enjoy it!

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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Relaxed. Comfortable. OOTD

Let's face it, most of you know me pretty well by now. Even if you don't feel like you know me personally, you pretty much get the gist of my personal style.

I love classic. I love mixing trends with classic pieces. I love non-fussy-ness (totally a word). I'm NOT the girl who dresses up in tutus, shoulder pads, and hot-pants for the sake of a blog post. I post what I actually wear. I never like to look like an outfit is too planned and I definitely never like to look like I've tried too hard. Because with personal style, you shouldn't have to.
I like to keep it real.

I dress in what makes me comfortable and I'll never step out in something that I feel ridiculous in. I dress for myself in a way that reflects my personal style. I never dress for the sake of shock value for others.  If something strikes me as fun, I'll wear it. If something makes me feel good, I'll wear it. You'll often find me removing an accessory before I decide to take photos or leave the house. I just go for what feels right to me.

Fashion and personal style doesn't have to be in your face or something that absolutely blows your mind. It just has to feel and look right to me, simple as that.  So simple outfits like this are sometimes the absolute best in my book (and often, the ones that draw the most compliments!).

For me, there's nothing better than a breezy white top, simple accessories, and some distressed jeans.

 ...metallic Birkenstocks never hurt anyone either. ;)

::shop the look::
white tank//(similar) (similar) (similar)
Ray Ban sunglasses
Louis Vuitton bag

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So my point is, do what makes YOU feel good! Dress for yourself. Establish a personal style, get inspired, and go your own way with your fashion choices. Never feel like you can't wear something because "so and so" wouldn't wear that. Let's face it, "so and so" isn't you and doesn't really look all that great anyway. ;)  So feel good and be happy this week, Loves!

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Monday, 21 July 2014

Haul! Sephora, VS, Tom Ford, Armani

Hello and Happy Monday, Loves!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! This weekend I spent some quality time with my Bestie, which (of course) included cupcakes, girl talk, and lots o' shopping.

Oh, if Sprinkles delivered...  Wait a second, do they deliver?? I may need to look in to that.

But back to the shopping part...
I picked up some awesome new beauty goodies at Sephora and Neiman's that I'm so excited to share with you guys! I also grabbed a few new clothing items as well that I will be sharing in an upcoming video this week. Stay tuned. ;)

Check out the video below for all the beauty goodies! I hope you enjoy it!

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Thursday, 17 July 2014

First OOTD with "the bump"

First off, thank you all SO much for your sweet comments and well-wishes for us yesterday! We just couldn't be more thrilled!!

So today I thought I'd share my look I wore out to dinner for my birthday last night.  The first "real" look with the bump. Since it's still small, I've been doing a lot of looser-fitting options lately just because while this first phase is cute, it's not super flattering in a tighter top just yet if you know what I mean. #ijustlookbloated

I have been LIVING for comfy maxi dresses lately. This one is awesome because it's not technically a "maternity" dress. I'm thinking my maternity style definitely won't be "maternity" exclusive, so there will still be something for everyone! Basically, my style has been pretty easy and effortless lately.
Nothin' easier than a maxi dress.  But you know me, I like to add a little something different to make them a little more interesting. So once again, I busted out my tallest gladiator sandals.

sandals//Steve Madden
necklace//Baublebar (similar)
sunglasses//Ray Ban
handbag//Louis Vuitton

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I hope you all have had a wonderful week so far!!

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Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Birthday Announcement!!

What better way to celebrate my birthday than by announcing another??

Thank you all SO much for all of the support, kind comments, and general warm-n-fuzziness that you've given us today. We are so grateful and excited to start this new adventure in life!

For ALL the details on what's been happening so far, and to (hopefully) answer any other questions you may have, check out my announcement video below!

We love you all and are so grateful for your support and well-wishes!!

Monday, 14 July 2014

Everyone needs a survival kit...

Especially a beauty survival kit. We've all been there. Out and about, feeling great...

...and then you look in the mirror to find some not so nice makeup issues going on. Womp womp.
Happens to all of us.

To me, it's essential to have a little survival kit that doesn't take up much space, but contains everything you'd need to fix any makeup "womp womps" you may have. It's especially essential when you like to wear makeup, but live somewhere like I do that gets super hot and humid in the Summer time... Recipe for disaster right there.

So I like having this little "survival kit" with me full of little amazing products that can fix most makeup issues that can occur.
Check out the video for all the details on my little kit of quick fixes and let me know what you keep in your little on-the-go kit! What are your must-haves for a kit like this??

::shop my survival kit::

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Friday, 11 July 2014

Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner REVIEW & a Haul

Hello and HAPPY FRIDAY!!

So today's video is a bit of a mash-up combo of a little bit of this and that. A little Sephora haul, a little Lush haul, and a full review of the Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner.

To see all the details about this product (and the new goodies I picked up), check out my new video below!

But before you head off to enjoy the weekend, tell me... What did YOU think of the Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner?? I'm curious...

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post contains affiliate links. Benefit liner provided for consideration with no agreements or obligations to feature or review.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

the "midi" skirt

Not sure "midi skirt" is what I would call this. I know, I know... it's what they're called.
To me, I'd say they remind me more of an updated poodle skirt.

Truly, nothing is new.  But I think you can definitely put a modern spin on these classic-shaped skirts with a fun tee and some bold accessories.

Oh, and leopard pumps never hurt. ;)

 Also, in case you were wondering, this skirt twirls beautifully. I'm a twirler.

Something hilarious to add...   We all know that lots of guys just don't "get" a lot of outfits. Sure, Brad will always say, "You look beautiful."  So sweet.  But seriously, it's hard to get him to comment or offer opinions on specific clothing choices of mine, because he always says that I've never looked bad to him in anything.
...Again, precious.   But this skirt got his attention. Maybe it was the "wifey" shirt, who knows. But he said more than once that he wanted me to wear this outfit again soon. He really liked it and wanted me to know it, which was hilarious. ...And sweet and precious. Guys...

Henri Bendel clutch (similar)

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Monday, 7 July 2014

Making False Lashes Look Natural and Perf.

False lashes are SO fun. Whether you go for a more intense, dramatic effect, or if you just like to reach for the natural-looking ones, the trick is getting the application right.
You can apply the longest, most fluttery lashes and still get a look that doesn't scream "HEY everyone! I'm wearing false lashes!!"

"...you can totally tell because they're applied all wrong."

We've all been there. No shame. So I wanted to share some tips so that you can have no fear of looking "fake" and wear your falsies proudly.

Funny enough, it's not just about how you apply the actual lashes. The way you do your actual eye makeup, brows, etc. can all actually be the most important factor.

So check out my video tutorial below and wear your falsies like a pro!

::products used::

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So what are your favorite falsies?? Any of your special tips to share with us??

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Magical Sephora Haul...

There's something magical about going inside a Sephora on an early morning... No crowds, just lots of makeup-y wandering.
For me, it was even more magical because I rarely actually shop inside the store. Most of the time I order online. I'm definitely not as much of an in-store shopper as I used to be (anywhere, really).
Plus, it had been a while since I had actually shopped there, period.  And I found some extra-awesome and amazing stuff.

Ok, you get it... Lots of magic happening.

Want to see what all I got?? Check out all the details in my new video below!

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What about you guys?? Any new and awesome Sephora finds lately?? Let me know what you're loving!

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

MAC Moody Blooms Collection

Today I'm bringing you info on another new MAC Collection, Moody Blooms.  This one is all about vibrant lips and eyes in, well, moody shades.

MAC Moody Blooms
available online now HERE
through August 21, 2014

I was so surprised how much I love the shades I have!

I've explained this before when I receive MAC collections to share with you all... Basically sometimes I receive the whole collection, sometimes I get just bits and pieces.
This time I received only part of the collection, but the shades I have are a good representation of the collection and what to expect! To see more of the products in this collection, check them all out here.

But first, let's check out all these pretties...

 left: LUST EXTRACT electric violet 

I'm a huge fan of Sheen Supreme Lipsticks. I love the formula, the payoff, the shine... everything about them. These shades are no exception. I love how Sheen Supremes just always work. No matter how vibrant the shade, they're always somehow wearable.  Both of these shades are beautiful.  LUST EXTRACT is especially beautiful. Definitely a color I can see myself wearing a lot. VENOMOUS VIOLET is one of those that looks terrifying in the tube, but actually wears quite pretty. The issue with this shade is that it may not work on all skin tones. At first I thought this could be another version of Clinique's Black Honey. You know, the lipstick that looks black but transfers as a beautiful berry? This one is a little less berry and more violet. So while I would usually recommend trying before you buy, this one is an online exclusive, so if you think it could work, you'll have to take a chance! It's really unique.

 Eye Shadow, $15.
 left: ARTISTIC LICENSE pinky gold (veluxe pearl)
right: BLOOMING MAD mid-tone ultra violet (frost)

It seems that most of the shadows in this collection have a sheen/frost to them. These aren't the most pigmented shades, but the shades themselves are gorgeous. They would work nicely for a nice wash of vibrant color on their own, or even more vibrant with a matching base. One word of warning... While I mentioned these swatched pretty sheer, the BLOOMING MAD shade is especially sheer and much different than how you'd expect it to transfer based on how bright it appears in the pan. So just keep in mind that while it's a beautiful shade, it is sheer, which for some looks can be nice.  

WORLDLY WEALTH shimmering peachy bronze 

This blush is very pigmented and swatches exactly as described... It is a beautiful peachy bronze with a lot of shimmer. This would be gorgeous on darker skin tones.  However, for more fair gals, you could definitely pull it off by applying it with a lighter hand for a pretty summer-y glow.

 left: BLUSHING BERRY mid-tone cool red
right: BUBBLEGUM soft warm pink

Fluidline, $16.
left: COPPERTHORN glittery bronze
right: NIGHTSHADE blackened plum

While both of these are gorgeous, COPPERTHORN really stands out, both in color and formula. It is so pigmented, so you don't have to keep building and layering to achieve that gorgeous, opaque bronze. NIGHTSHADE is a gorgeous, shimmering plum that while gorgeous, requires a bit of a heavier hand and maybe a few layers to build to the color swatched.

So what do you all think?? Will you be picking any of these up? What are your favorites from this collection?

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