Wednesday 29 January 2014

A Snow Day and an Affordable Fashion Haul

Happy "hump day" y'all!

 So today I'm bringing you an extra lil' bonus video!

Before we get started, I've got to send some love to all of my fellow Atlanta folks who had the day from hell yesterday... Yeah, the snow was beautiful and magical around our house.  ...Because we were all home safe and sound.

Brad left work around 11am anticipating the madness that would inevitably ensue on the roads. However, I don't think ANYONE anticipated what was to come. Basically, we always joke that in Georgia, whenever we get a few inches of snow, the whole city and affected areas basically shut down. Mostly because we rarely get any snow and our state just isn't prepared. Also, when we see that snow is coming, it can go SO many different ways... As in, we never know exactly what we're going to get or how bad the roads will be.
The difference is that most states and areas who have regular snow in the winter know exactly what to expect and will treat their roads ahead of time anticipating the imminent inclement weather. Georgia just doesn't have those regular systems in place because it just rarely happens.

So Tuesday around lunchtime, every business started letting their employees go home. Around 1pm, most every school system in the area decided to "close" and let the children go home, which also led to even more traffic because parents were heading to pick them up. Which obviously led to MAJOR traffic issues. The streets were to capacity. Every single highway in the metro area was at a stand still. In the midst of all this, the roads were freezing.  Which meant the DOT couldn't really even GET to many of the roads to treat them because they were covered completely in record amounts of traffic. I'm talking, some of my friends were on the road for 12+ hours to travel only 5 or 6 miles. Most everyone I knew who was on the streets went on foot at some points. Babies were delivered on the side of the road, cars were abandoned everywhere, people were running out of gas...  Thousands of students spent the night on buses in freezing temperatures which absolutely broke my heart.  Hearing stories from my friends who couldn't even get to their children at their schools until midnight or so was terrible. Even people with big trucks that can usually handle the icy roads were out of luck, as most roads were just bogged down completely with un-moving traffic. Some roads looked like a scene straight out of The Walking Dead... haha. Not funny, but seriously... with all the abandoned cars, it was insane. The whole state was declared as being in a state of emergency.  Yeah it got crazy...

I could seriously go on and on about it and share a ton more stories, but you get the idea.  I'm just thankful that we were all at home safe and sound and while this one was enjoying the snow...

 ...we were so worried about the madness that was taking place all over the place nearby.

 When all the snow had fallen, we had right at three inches.

Could you just melt at that face??  Don't worry about him with the sticks. He just likes to play with them outside. We always supervise him with them because we know it's not great for them to eat pieces of wood, but he spits them out if he gets a piece off. He just thought they were extra tasty covered in snow!

K so enough of the snow madness. I'm about ready for it to melt away!

So Brad and I went to Target a few days back for some necessities and I ended up picking up some really awesome things!! I also thought I'd share some recent Macy's finds that I scored at great deals as well as the shoe find of my year...  Yeah, that statement may be a bit premature, but seriously, I don't think I'll find a deal this awesome on such cute shoes any time soon.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Items shown...

Were any of you affected by the Georgia snow?? 

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