Wednesday 1 October 2014

Favorites and a room update

Hello and Happy Hump Day y'all!

So as always, I'm bringing you my absolute favorite beauty products I've been reaching for the most over this past month. Seriously good stuff.  I know, I know... I say that every single month, but hey, that's the point, right?

But first, we need to address some changes that are taking place...  In my filming room!  If you've watched some of my recent videos, you've probably heard me mention this change a few times. Basically, I'm getting the room more functional (and pretty). Since overhauling the closet in our master bedroom (still in progress-- I'll share more of that space when it's done!), I was left with this empty space. Basically I moved all my clothes out of this spare room where I film into the actual closet.
Well, my new filming room/office area has come along like crazy over the past weekend! It still lacks a bit from being completely finished, but, wow. SO much more functional! I've had the most fun getting all my makeup organized (oh yeah, my vanity area is totally different now, too) and getting my new table/desk all set up.
Totally should've been like that all along. Funny how that happens...

I will for sure continue to update as it all comes together even more and I'll definitely do a little tour when it's complete!

So to check out all the details on the goods, check out the video below!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!!

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