Wednesday, 14 May 2014

A TON of new updates around the house

These last few weeks have been kind of nuts. Not only with some new things going on around the house (we're finally doing something pretty big with that huge empty room in the basement), but life in general has just been pretty busy. I'll update you all soon on the basement progress!

So I didn't really realize until a few days ago that I had totally skipped last week's decor post! What was I thinking, right?? ;)  Well since there has been no shortage of changes and updates around here, I thought I'd combine several updates into one giant post for you guys to sort of collectively share these past few weeks.
So get comfortable, grab a snack and a beverage, and let's get to it!

Remember when I painted the front living room/my office the same color as the kitchen (Clay Beige by Benjamin Moore)?  Well long story short, the color is the perfect "greige" and we sort of fell in love with it. Ever since I used it for the living room, I contemplated continuing it into the dining room as well.

Well I finally did, and we love it.

I always liked the gold/tan shade in the dining room (that color was throughout most of the house when we bought it), but I feel like this connected space looks best when the color continues on that wall behind the columns. It made it look more continuous and the color itself works perfectly with the decor in there.  I have something else in mind to add to the walls in there, so I'll for sure update with the details on that if I get brave enough to do it!

I wish I had a before shot of that exact angle above. I think I avoided photographing that area where the rooms meet for a reason while they were two different colors.  It just never felt "finished".  So happy with how that turned out!

 I think the new color really works well with all the furniture and accessories in the room...

If you follow these decor posts, you may have noticed something a little different in the living room/office...

I decided to add a pair of matching lamps to the Target end tables that I painted...

These are just the lamps from our family room that I did a little switch-a-roo with.  I think it looks so much better and balanced, but they're also super functional as well, as this room gets very dark at night. This is the only room in the house without an overhead light. I've thought about having it professionally wired for one and adding something fun in the future. I think it may even be wired for one with a box and everything underneath the ceiling sheetrock. Just because there is a dead wall switch right as you come into the room which may be set-up to go to it. Totally not sure. Sounds like something I should probably get checked out though. 
Anyway, it makes a huge difference in lighting the room at night so I'm happy with the change!

I also moved Lil' Fig next to the window so he would get better light. 


OH and speaking of figs...

Check out all the new growth on Frankie!!

This is majorly exciting because it took several months to figure out how to care for this guy. Fiddle Leaf Figs are no joke.  I had heard that they sprout new leaves in the Spring, but I wasn't so sure. After a year of having him with no new growth, this was a huge surprise! *For more info on how I care for my figs, check out this post.

When I was looking back at all the updates I could share in this post, I remembered another painting project I never shared!!

I continued the White Truffle (Behr) shade from the foyer throughout the upstairs hallway.

*For more on the white frames, check out this post.

I love how much it opened up the space and I think it will look much better as I continue the white "frame wall" all down the hallway throughout the years.

Here's what it looked like before...

Finally, I found some new patio chairs a few weeks back for our screened-in porch...

*If you're curious about the blue ceiling, check out this post to read more about it!
I love how little space they take up. I had this glass table out there since we moved in with no chairs.  All the ones I had found were too bulky or were crazy expensive for what they were. I found these at Ballard on sale, and I had a 15% off coupon which was awesome.  They're super heavy and much sturdier than they look. 

So happy with them! Having breakfast out there while Waylon runs around the yard is pretty much my favorite.

So that's my crazy huge home update post for ya! I hope you enjoyed checking out what's new around here.  We've got tons more going on around here too so there are definitely lots more updates to come!

I hope you all are having a great week so far!


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